Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Biological Diversity And Its Effects On Our Environment

Humanity has proven ourselves to be capable of incredible feats, some which may benefit the lives of our communities, our industry, and our understanding of the world as we know it. Others can bring great harm to ourselves or to the planet that we live on. There comes a time when we must recognize how we impact our surroundings, and to ask ourselves how far we are willing to go. Choices that we have made as a species have put the lives of some of Earth s most ancient and diverse communities in danger. While only a small fraction of the creatures living under the sea have been discovered and recorded, the past half a century has shown us the our mistreatment of our environment has threatened the intricate systems of the ocean s†¦show more content†¦This is currently one of the most quickly changing factors which is destroying the biodiversity of our oceans, which is why it is vital that we recognize it. In order to further define ocean acidification, what it means to biodiversity, and how we can solve it, we must first explore it s causes. With humanity s growing need for faster, automatic, and more efficient tools and systems, it becomes visible that these short term solutions can result in long term problems. During the Industrial Revolution which spread around the world, the mindset that the planet s resources are ours for the harvesting was largely accepted. Without proper knowledge of the long term effects of taking materials from the planet, dumping unsanitized and toxic chemical mixtures into bodies of water, among other things humanity as a whole failed to preserve ecosystems of every kind. The result was the use of resources despite the effect it had on wildlife communities and ecosystems, as well as a lack of regulation which would soon cause problems for the government, corporations, individuals, and the planet. In 2007, CNN reported that â€Å"up to 500 million tons of heavy metals, solvents and toxic sludge slip into the global water supply every year. In the developing world [according to UNESCO] as much as 70 percent of industrial

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Body, Gender, And Sexuality - 964 Words

Allise Sellers Unit 2 Reading Response The body, gender, and sexuality are intertwined concepts that have been simplified to a point that attempts to explain each of these characteristic constructs purely through biology. However, ignoring the social implications in various cultures takes away from the complex analysis these foundational human descriptors actually deserve. In the writings of R.W. Connell, Suzanne Kessler, S.E. Smith, Lisa Wade, Riki Wilchins, and Patricia Hill Collins, these authors incorporate sociological analyses to investigate the relationships among the body, gender, and sexuality in daily life. These authors attempted to move away from the belief that these characteristics were solely determined through biology and discussed how societal regulation, norms, and other interactions help shape these constructions. In Kessler’s â€Å"The Medical Construction of Gender†, she analyzes gender from the macro-social level to express how intersex infants are addressed in t he medical field, or at an institutional level. One element that the author chose to investigate was the use of genetic testing to determine biological sex. Many of the physicians the author discussed believed that genetic testing was enough to determine which way to go forward with treatment, except in cases with non-normative chromosome combinations (Kessler 1998: 54-55). In this way, doctors made their determinations entirely based on biological makeup, without any consideration of how socialShow MoreRelatedFemale Sexuality, Gender, And The Body4267 Words   |  18 PagesWomen’s body which is personal in nature is, no more personal, it’s always binding by the culture. Female sexuality in a Brahmanical Patriarchy is much more complicated. Caste hierarchy and gender hierarchy are the organizing principles of the brahmanical (Chakravarti 1993). Most often women are denied of their rights over her own body. Here culture plays a prominent role in binding the womenâ€⠄¢s rights over the body and the power of her body is vested in the hands of the men. Women’s body is continuallyRead MoreQueer Bodies : Sexualities, Genders, And Fatness1521 Words   |  7 PagesQueer Bodies: Sexualities, Genders, Fatness in Physical Education is a research based novel by Heather Sykes. Sykes is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto and specializes in educational studies and physical education (Sykes, 2011). Heather Sykes is published in a variety of academic journals for her research in critically analyzing issues of gender, sexuality and fatness in physical education as well as sports sociology. Her book, Queer Bodies: Sexualities, Genders, Fatness inRead MoreSocietal Expectations Of The Body, Sexuality And Gender2025 Words   |  9 Pagesexpectations of the body, sexuality and gender are defined by cultural traditions, institutions and expectations which grounds itself and its ideologies on what it was like before the advent of the laws which were here to construct a common goal of equality and justice in modern society (Butler: 1990). This can be exemplified in the notion of the slow shift to legalising homosexual marriage in Western culture. This is, overall a positive shift to the development of defining equitable gender and sexual relationsRead MoreQueer Bodies : Sexualities, Genders, And Being An Outcast1514 Words   |  7 Pagescritical analysis of gender, sexuality and fatness in physical education as well as sports sociology. Her book, Queer Bodies: Sexualities, Genders, Fatness in Physical Education is a heavily research-based book about key issues in physical education. It was published in 2011 by Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. based out of New York, New York and despite being published by an American company, the bulk of Sykes’s research comes from Canadian citizens who identify as having queer bodies. Throughout the textRead MoreQueer Bodies : Sexualities, Genders, And Being An Outcast1529 Words   |  7 Pagescritical analysis of gender, sexuality and fatness in physical education as well as sports sociology. Her book, Queer Bodies: Sexualities, Genders, Fatness in Physical Education is a heavily research-based book about key issues in physical education. It was published in 2011 by Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. based out of New York, New York and despite being published by an American company, the bulk of Sykes’s research comes from Canadian citizens who identify as having queer bodies. Throughout the textRead MoreModern Culture : The Japanese Manga A Sub Culture Based Around Graphic Novels1606 Words   |  7 PagesIn Japanese modern culture, patriarchal constructs rule everyday ideology of what it is to be feminine, how the female body should look, and appropriate female sexual behaviour. Representations (and expectations) of the female form and sexuality are well depicted in the Japanese manga: graphic novel artwork that is read ubiquitously throughout Japan. E xploration of this art-form and the culture that grows around it provides a unique insight into current cultural attitudes in Japan. Shojo manga -Read MoreVisual images Reinforce Traditional Gender and Sexuality Stereotypes948 Words   |  4 PagesVisual images reinforce traditional gender and sexuality stereotypes through the manifestation of the masculine and feminine miens. An examination of print media advertisements highlights the social and cultural ideologies associated with traditional gender roles that are expected and imposed on by society. â€Å"Advertisements are deeply woven into the fabric of Western Culture, drawing on and reinforcing commonly held perceptions and beliefs† of gender and sexuality stereotypes. They have a strong roleRead MoreThe Nature And Nurture Of The Human Sexuality932 Words   |  4 Pagesand nurture of the human Sexuality has been a debate argued among scientists and philosophers. It is believed that human sexuality is the key to reproduction and survival. This debate is concerned with the extent to which particular aspects of behaviour reflects the influence of genetically arranged maturity or wether it comes from learning and experience. This essay will explain to what extent human sexuality is the result of nature or nurture, it will also relate sexuality to the BiopsychosocialRead MoreSex, Gender, And Gender915 Words   |  4 Pageshormones. People often group sex and gender together as if they are the same thing, but really they are two separate categories. Gender is a categor y that splits bodies into a binary system of women and men. Ultimately the two terms intertwine because, one’s biologically determined sex is assigned a gender role to play. The main difference between the two is that gender excludes biology. Sex represents the body’s anatomy and physiological workings and gender represents social forces that mold behaviorRead MoreSex Tests And Gender Policies Essay1499 Words   |  6 PagesDominant groups in society often set up normative ideas about bodies, genders and sexualities in order to preserve the societal hierarchy that greatly benefits them. White, cisgender, heterosexual males are often at the top of this hierarchy and are the active perpetrators of their imposed rigid standards. Categories are created by these dominant groups to exercise their control and those who do not fit or refuse to categorize themselves are punished, either metaphorically or literally. In the sports

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Welcome Introduction Free Essays

Welcome/loincloth Thanks My name is Saw. I’m one of the students here. I think I don’t really look like a student. We will write a custom essay sample on Welcome Introduction or any similar topic only for you Order Now But I am one. I would like to welcome you here this morning. And I would like to say â€Å"Thank very much† for coming. We know all of you are very busy, so we really appreciate you making the time for us. I thank all of my classmates as well because they gave me the chance to give the easy speech, I think, † Welcome Introduction†. I expected it to be easy but in reality it is not. I practiced a lot to give this speech in front of you but the practice didn’t work. I feel nervous. But I have to speak for the full time, three minutes. How long has gone already? Time up? K, no problem! I have more to say. I really like my school, Zee Cabin Maya. I think it is very suitable for youths who are in the gutter, Eke me. â€Å"why? Why? † I think you would like to ask me ‘Why? † You know that word Is not strange for us. Our teachers use It a lot in our class. Many, many times she asks me. I’m sorry I have no chance to answer it now but my friends are waiting to answer your question. The important thing is you need to listen carefully. If you don’t see the point of what they are talking about, you can raise your hand up and ask â€Å"Can you repeat that please†. K? K? No, No I’m joking. You can hear a lot of speeches from all students. We got 21 students here, 21 speeches about everything this morning. I don’t know all what they going to talk to you. In the middle we mix with some nice songs. And then we are going to feed with special foods for your breakfast, we ordered from Hotel Zee Cabin. I’m Joking again. K, Thank you everyone. I really appreciate you coming and celebrating our School opening ceremony together with us. Thank you How to cite Welcome Introduction, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Email Server Implementation at Two Minds †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Email Server Implementation at Two Minds. Answer: Project Vision and Goals: Problem Statement: Two minds technology manages and runs the biggest platform for engineers in the world. The company is running various programs and Apps for engaging with the users. The Apps by the company are most download engineering apps in the world. Two minds connect and partners with various companies and colleges in the education space providing the education material to the students. It also has a forum which hosts primarily user generated content. Millions of users visit the platform every year to download, read and interact with fellow users on the content. The company is experimenting with the skill development of the users with various programs and now also targeting users other than engineers to explore, read and interact with other users on the platform. The company has over 25 million subscribers on the email subscription list. The company wants to send a daily update to all the users with their own email servers. This will require setting up bulk email server and reaching to subscribers on a need base basis. The cost of running with third party servers is huge. Even from the own servers of the company will have some implication of costs. Sending bulk emails is also a risky job. The challenge is with maintaining a mail server is keeping your server off of the various blacklists, also known as DNSBL, blocklists, or blackhole lists. These lists contain the IP addresses of mail servers that were reported to send spam or junk mail (or for having improperly configured DNS records). If your mail server gets listed, your outgoing messages may be filtered and discarded before they reach their intended recipients. The team has to keep both domain and email servers separately to ensure that all this shouldnt affect the domain name servers and IP at all. Before company sets up a bulk email service they need to figure out the best possible ways to send bulk emails at lowest possible cost. They also need to know what could be the best solution to avoid blacklisting and saving IP addresses from getting blacklisted. The company also wants to setup a service where they can monitor the success of the email campaigns. The service should provide analytical dashboard to monitor the campaign by applying different filters. The project team needs to keep all these problems in minds before coming up with a recommendation. Project Requirements: Gathering the requirements of the system is an essential part of the project. This will allow the project manager to concentrate on the factors that are most important. From the resource allocation to product development, all the tasks are guided by the data found on this analysis. The requirements of the system are of two types such as functional and non-functional. The following are the project requirements. Recognizing the user requirements for the system Creating a plan for making a blueprint of the project Defining deliverables of the project A project team effective enough to carry out tasks efficiently Identifying the methodology for guiding project requirements Business Benefits: The huge of amount of subscribers that Two Minds Technology has right now is getting their mail services through a third party organization. After the implementation of the email servers, the organization will be able to gain full control over the mail service providing procedure. The cost of the process will be significantly low if the email servers are used for a long time. Project Scope and Goals: Scope: To setup an email server To be able to provide a server that can send mail to 25 million subscribers To be able send mail even to the subscribers who have put a server of the organization to blacklist To provide the project within cost and deadline To be able to make the servers properly secured Goals: An effective and efficient email server Better communication with the subscribers Handling project related tasks with adequate procedure Identifying users who blocks the server Project Timeline: Project Title: Email Server Project Title: Please Fill Company Name: Two Minds Technology Date: 28th July, 2017 Task Name Duration Start Finish Implementing Cloud ERP System 22 days Fri 28-07-17 Mon 28-08-17 Project Planning 10 days Fri 28-07-17 Thu 10-08-17 Project Scope Identification 1 day Fri 28-07-17 Fri 28-07-17 Project Deliverable Developing 1 day Mon 31-07-17 Mon 31-07-17 Project Acceptance Criteria Setup 1 day Tue 01-08-17 Tue 01-08-17 Project Team Form 3 days Wed 02-08-17 Fri 04-08-17 Project Scheduling and Cost Estimation 4 days Mon 07-08-17 Thu 10-08-17 System Requirement 10 days Fri 11-08-17 Thu 24-08-17 Requirement Identification 3 days Fri 11-08-17 Tue 15-08-17 Requirement Analysis 2 days Wed 16-08-17 Thu 17-08-17 Requirement Documentation 5 days Fri 18-08-17 Thu 24-08-17 Requirement Verification 2 days Fri 18-08-17 Mon 21-08-17 Design 5 days Tue 22-08-17 Mon 28-08-17 System Functionalities Identification 2 days Tue 22-08-17 Wed 23-08-17 Software Designing 1 day Thu 24-08-17 Thu 24-08-17 System Architecture Design 2 days Fri 25-08-17 Mon 28-08-17 Figure 1: Gantt chart (Source: Created by Author) Project Considerations: Project Risks: Description Probability (1-99 %) Impact (1-10%) Mitigating action Server Down: If the servers get down then all the processes will be immediately stopped Medium Very High Having a backup server will work a temporary solution 24*7 monitoring the servers DoS or DDoS attack: These attacks are server attacks and are becoming very common these days High High The servers will be implemented in such a way that if DoS attack initiates then the server will detach Lack of Stakeholder Support: For initiating any project it is essential to have the support of the stakeholders Medium Medium Proper cost benefit analysis will be presented in front of the stakeholders Constraints: Identifying the right email service provider is a very difficult task Maintenance of the servers can be a tricky task for a professional administrator too Protecting the servers from the DDoS or DoS attack is a challenging activity Handling a vast amount of users can lead to various issues The data lost is a common constraint of the project Assumptions: The project can be completed with the provided deadline and cost The project sponsor is ready to provide all the resources required The server is capable of handling 25 million users The project team will be able to carry out the tasks properly The project manager will be able to solve the internal issues The project will be done under the supervision of project sponsor and manager The resource will be allocated as per the task requirements Key Stakeholders: Internal Stakeholders: Project Manager The head of the project : defines, plans, controls and leads the Project Project Analyst Creating, managing and disbursing reports related to the project Project Team Members Perform project design and development activities according to customer specifications External Stakeholder: The project sponsor Provides all the necessary resources required to complete the project and handles project out-scope related issues. The user Provide ideas regarding the requirements of the system and assists in testing the product Bibliography: Fleming, Q. W., Koppelman, J. M. (2016, December). Earned value project management. Project Management Institute. Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Larson, E. W., Gray, C. (2013). Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS Project. McGraw-Hill. Schwalbe, K. (2015).Information technology project management. Cengage Learning.